
Des Moines Children Photographer | Parker 9 Months

Luckily here in Des Moines, when you are having a bad case of spring fever you can go to the Botanical Center.  So that is just what we did for this session!

I am finally feeling better, aside with some pressure in my sinuses.  I am hoping that goes away soon!  We are all on the mend, luckily.  They have rescheduled my surgery for next Friday now, so I will be out for about a week.  You can still email me to book sessions,  I just can’t do any sessions that week. 🙂

Here is a dose of tropical cuteness in hopes for warmer weather! 😉


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  • I just LOVE your B/W conversions! Man that kids eyes are killer!

  • Awww, so cute! That last one is so adorable that I just want to hug my monitor!

  • What a great location! And yes, the BW’s are awesome!

  • Oh I hope you are feeling better Amanda! Those eyes on this babe – wow! Beautiful color and b/w conversions. Terrific job!

  • Beautiful work. Very clean and modern. Love the way you get the eyes to shine.

  • Beautiful shots Amanda. I love the idea of using that as a location. The botanical garden here will not let me bring my camera in the building though.

  • Great set!! The catchlights are amazing!!

  • Just beautiful and your processing is perfect! Love these.

  • cute baby! The holding hands shot is great. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere…

  • Look at those eyes! 🙂

  • What a cute kid, and amazing captures!

  • What an awesome little dude. His eyes pop! I love all of the blues. Awesome set Amanda!

  • I love barefoot toes!! Great images…you have a knack for always getting the catch-lights just right in your subject’s eyes. WELL DONE.

  • Amanda – you’ve definiteley captured his spirit through his eyes! I bet his parents love them! I particularly love the first image and the last two… nice treatment and composition.

  • I just adore the shot of him sitting on the fence, with mommy and daddy’s hands holding him up… so full of meaning, and so CUTE!!

  • Just too cute.
    These are beautifuly processed , and I love the shot and colours of the little man on the bridge.

  • What an adorable little boy! Great photos!

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