
Des Moines Children Photographer – Children of the past week

So rather than doing a ton of posts a week, I am just going to do about 1 a week with favorites of the sessions from the past week.  I have been busy, as usual and I love it!  Aside from doing weddings on Saturdays, I photograph just about everything else (mainly children of all ages) the rest of the week.  Are these kids beautiful or what!?  Admittedly, two of them are mine.  Can’t leave them out!


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  • daniel Gorman

    these are simply amazing and beautiful Amanda nice work.

  • Adorable! Love that one of the little girl with the blue tutu!

  • Wow! Those eyes. You really have a connection with the little ones. Great work.

  • OMG.. if some of these kids don’t win you prizes for ‘cutest shot ever’ what will??

    I could get lost in those eyes..

    Really really beautiful Amanda.. WOW!

  • Oh my goodness – these are amazing shots of children! Those baby shots? Gorgeous! Had me giggling on the scrunched up face baby! Great job Amanda – very inspirational!

  • So very cool. The eyes – girl you could teach a workshop on how to get the right catch lights into them. You are now my fave kiddo tog.

  • Awww.. what a bunch of cuties! I don’t think I could pick a fave if I tried! You captured them all so beautifully 🙂

  • wonderful moments, processing, and post 🙂

  • These are all amazing, but I LOVE the fourth shot down- the little girl looks positively elfin. Precious. 🙂

  • oh my goodness what a bunch of cuties!! I love them all, I really cannot pick a favorite. It just isn’t possible. You did an awesome job capturing these kiddos.

  • Super Cute! EVERY. SINGLE. FRAME.

  • OMG… Super CUTE!!!

  • Very good photography! You have skillz 🙂

  • I love the way you capture the eyes in every picture! Adorable!

  • I ADORE the shots in the fifth row. Gorgeous!!

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