
Des Moines Children Photographer – Douglas

This little guy flew in with his mama all the way from Ohio! I’d like to say it was just to see me, but they were here to see another one of my clients and loved my work with her, so she wanted to make sure to get a session in while she was here! 🙂 I am very flattered!

I just LOVE his big blue eyes and yes those are his eyes! I did not do anything to them, they are just that amazing! He is just TOO cute! He is 6 months old right now. I hope they come back soon! Thanks for letting me photograph you!


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    What an absolute heart breaker! Great shots of a gorgeous little bean.
    Meaghan xox

  • Kyle

    Really digging the silhouette shot. It's hard to do something different with children's photography, especially at such a young age, but you did it!

  • Clickr Photography

    What a adoreable baby! and great set!

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