Iowa & Destination Wedding Photographer | Emily & Lorenzo
Date: April 25, 2020
Venue: St. Ambrose Cathedral
Floral: Mandy Klyn Floral
Emily and Lorenzo originally planned a big wedding, but decided due to Covid19 that even though their plans couldn’t be what they originally intended, they didn’t want to put off getting married and being with one another. So rather than let it ruin their plans, they chose to have a small 10 person ceremony with their closest family members. They also had a laptop set up with a ZOOM video so others could still watch. This gave them more time to shoot portraits with me afterward, and the freedom to go where we wanted! It was absolutely beautiful! They do still intend to hold a larger reception this fall, but I think they made the absolute right decision. If covid is effecting your wedding plans. take the time to really think about why you’re getting married! In the end, it’s all about being with the love of your life. Here is a copy of some text I wrote on the subject a couple of weeks back:
Limited Gathering-Small weddings
I’ve been thinking that after these stay at home orders are up that there will likely be a limit on gatherings for many months, if not a year till they have a vaccine. Small weddings may have to be the new thing for a while.
I’m here to tell you, although it’s disappointing, it does NOT mean you will not have an amazing wedding day! Some of the smallest weddings I’ve shot have been the best! Whether it’s just the two of you or just your closest family and friends, there’s still so much emotion and beauty!!
Think of these positives:
We can spend more time in the day making epic portraits that you will want to hang on your wall forever!!
Things don’t need to be rushed! Smaller guest lists means things won’t take as long. There’s way less stress!
It’s cheaper! Now you won’t need to feed 500 people and can focus on spending money on more important things.
There is no pressure to invite your mom’s best friend’s grandma. It can be awkward to feel obligated to invite people you hardly know in order to not hurt any feelings. This won’t be an issue with limited gatherings.
Smaller gatherings means you can have it in a beautiful setting!
Last but not least, you will still have amazing photos and maybe video from your day to share with all of those you could have invited. You can even livestream it!
Bottom line, it can and WILL still be beautiful. You will still get to marry the love of your life. You still get epic photos to remember it by. It will be amazing no matter what. Want an example?? Scroll through these photos and see how amazing their day was!