
Des Moines Wedding Photographer | Allison & Jeremy

Allison and Jeremy are actually already married.  Their big, cute, lovable dog Jack is their baby! 🙂  They never got engagement photos, so we did a couple’s session in place of it and included their dog.  Isn’t he too cute?!




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  • Great job offering something that this couple was never able to get and making it memorable. It looks as though they have a lot of fun together and you were apart of it being behind the camera. Great Job!

  • Gorgeous couple! Love the high key quality of your photos. Well done!

  • Love the dreamy, creamy tones! Lovely work 🙂

  • Beautiful couple, beautiful set of images… and um…. being a Golden owner, I just have to comment on the dog– I love the way you guys worked him/her in!

  • Loving the gorgeous light!

  • Fun shoot! I love it when they bring their dogs.

  • I love that first image of them laughing!!! So friggin adorable.

  • Love the fun and tones of these! Oh and I love your new blog, if I didnt say that already!

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