
Iowa Wedding Photographer | Taylor + Mitch

This week I am running a little late putting up last Saturday’s wedding blog post.  It really was due to me having to choose which photos to blog.  There were simply too many I wanted to blog.  This wedding was located at the Jester Park Lodge, which was nothing short of gorgeous.

They had a beautiful but hot wedding  looking out over the lake.  I imagine we all wanted to jump into it, but I think looking at it was good enough.  It was just beautiful.  Both Taylor and Mitch met and each already had a child of their own.  Two boys who happened to be the same age.  Could it be any more perfect?  For their ceremony, they included the boys in the sand ceremony, which pretty much made it official.  They had a bunch of adorable kids in their wedding and if you watch, you will see a few of them break dancing!  It was a wonderful day.  Thank you Taylor and Mitch for letting me be a part of it!


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  • Awww, I love love love their first look shots! So sweet!

  • Your work gets better and better Amanda.

  • Amanda! You are so, so good! So much of prettiness!

  • Beautiful work as always Amanda. I really like those last two images – artistically sensitive to say the least.

  • I don’t know how, but you even made an armpit shave look interesting and almost pretty. You have skills! 😉

  • great job amanda! i think you really captured the day perfectly

  • love your couple portraits – they really look like they enjoyed themselves

  • Such a sweet couple and so many beautiful images! Great work!

  • Looks like a gorgeous day and you captured it wonderfully!

  • So many great details and a beautiful location. Beautiful wedding!

  • April

    Amanda- It was great working with you at Mitch and Taylors wedding! The pictures are beautiful, they are really lucky to have such great memories intrusted in you!

  • I adore this little wedding…what a BEAUTIFUL bride and the attention you give to the details is perfect…the emotion in those portraits is FANTASTIC. SO well done Amanda.

  • I simply adore this wedding…what a BEAUTIFUL bride and the attention you give to the details is perfect…the emotion in those portraits is FANTASTIC. SO well done Amanda.

  • The first shot of that dress makes it look so delicate. I just love that shot.

  • so freakin solid. this couple is stoked for life. really well done.

  • Loving the detail shots and the kids shots too!

  • Love the shots of the couple. Very well done! 🙂

  • Leigh Anne

    Good detail shots of the bride’s wedding preparation right down to the underarm photo! So many smiles. Looks like everyone had a great time. Photos of the bride’s sweet smile at the altar is my favorite.

  • Leigh Anne

    Good detail shots of the bride’s wedding preparation right down to the underarm photo! So many smiles. Looks like everyone had a great time. Photo of the bride’s sweet smile at the altar is my favorite.

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