
Iowa Wedding Photographer | Dan & Laura

This post is a special one to me.  My little brother lives in Texas with his wife because he is getting his masters there.  I don’t see them much as at all anymore (since we live across the country) and they were here for 3 weeks during Christmas time.  I just got a new lens, called a tilt-shift lens.  You can read about this lens here:  Basically this lens allows me to have different planes of focus than you normally would not have and since I got the lens I asked them if they would help me test it out.  This session was just really for playing around and seeing the different things the lens can do.  I love it!  It’s so unique and really gives a different perspective on photos.  I think some amazing images came out of it and I had a blast photographing them.  I also had my sis-in-law do some model poses just for fun and she rocked them!  Thanks again Dan & Laura!  I love you and miss you both already!

Anyway, I won’t typically use this lens for a whole session, but just may bring it along to your session just for some different shots! 🙂


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  • Fun! Can’t wait to see you rock the t/s at weddings!

  • Beautiful work Amanda!! The bridge shot is gorgeous.

  • Firstly, your sis in law is stunning! Gorgeous work with the T/S too.

  • Nicole

    What an awesome session! Great photos, great models! I hope you bring this lens with in April… 🙂

  • Wonderful job with the new T/S! Looks like you’ve got it going really well already. I bet your bro and s-i-l love the photos!

  • Just saying…but, this is probably my favorite post ever! LOVE this!

  • Oh my gosh, these are absolutely GORGEOUS! Nice work with that t/s Amanda! She looks so much like you 🙂

  • these are incredible, gorgeous couple to!
    love the colours.

  • The first shot on the left in black and white is just beautiful, Amanda!

  • Tilt-shifting for portraits gives such an amazing quality to the expression of love. You should totally consider using the TS-E exclusively for engagement shoots (and weddings).

    The one where she leans on his back is so mesmerising.

    Great job!

  • T/S lens is my dream, great photos.

  • I like the ones where he is picking her up – great expressions and really nicely composed.

  • Ahh tilt shifty goodness 😉 you’ll be addicted now!!

  • LOVE! Great T/S work! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more from you!

  • Stunning set! You’re rocking the T/S! And your SIL completely looks like Catherine Zeta Jones in a few of those pics…did you notice? (Esp #12 – if you count every diptych as one photo)

  • Beautiful work. So many happy emotions and I love how easily you can see the chemistry between them. Oh – and you really rocked the T/S. Can’t wait to see more with it 🙂

  • OMG that one of Laura where she’s looking down and the foliage is in her hair—gorgeous!!

  • I want a TS lens too! Looks like you had a ton of fun playing with it! I love your B&W conversions!

  • amaaaanda! rocked it girl. your bro and sis in law are kinda gorgeous… but you really have a way with capturing real moments in your couples’ portraits. love the ones where they’re looking at each other, or leaning together with their eyes closed. but my faves are the close-ups of your sis in law with the t/s… beautiful!

  • I adore the rich skin tones!!! Your black and white processing is gorgeous.

  • these are so beautiful! I love a tilt shift.

  • Such intense looks from this couple – really dramatic. great job.

  • Cool shots Amanda. They’re so full of life. I really dig your black and whites.

  • These are awesome shots. She’s a very pretty girl!

  • Great Photos, she’s very photogenic

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