
Iowa & Destination Wedding Photographer | A few recent engagement sessions

It’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged (sorry!) but since I am getting ready to kick back into full swing wedding season in about a month  I thought it would be a good time to post a few of the recent engagement sessions I have shot.  I’ve been pretty busy with newborns and engagements and children to hold over my wedding season fever.  The cold doesn’t stop anyone and it doesn’t stop me from taking beautiful photos!  Though, sometimes I feel like my fingers may just fall off.  All of these 3 sessions were shot at the same location which happens to be one of my favorites.  So, I thought they’d fit well together in a blog post.  Why not, right?

I have some pretty exciting weddings coming up this year including one on the beautiful beaches of Negril, Jamaica!  I absolutely cannot wait and I LOVE LOVE LOVE shooting destination weddings.  I also have a pretty awesome shoot I am working on putting together.  It’s not wedding related, but I still can’t wait to do it and it should be beautiful.  It’s an idea I’ve had for a while, so I can’t wait to put it together and do it!  Keep an eye out for what is to come this year!

One more thing, I wanted to point out that I have added PIN IT buttons to my blog as well as a link to my pinterest board up on the left side of my blog.  Feel free to pin my images.  Brides, I LOVE pinning wedding ideas so feel free to follow my board as well and get some great ideas for your weddings.  I warn you, it’s addicting!




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  • Talk about hot couples!! Great images, Amanda. 🙂

  • You get some of the prettiest clients, I swear! Beautiful photos, Amanda!

  • It may be cold, but these are shining with warmth. Love love LOVE.

  • Your work has a very authentic look and feel to it. Not over done but at the same time beautifully finished. The couples all look very relaxed and at ease which shows that you are not only a talented photographer but you understand how to work with people. Very well done.

  • Oh that last one! I would kill to have one like that up on my wall, in the biggest size possible.

  • Your clients could truly model – they are all gorgeous! 🙂 Loving these images! So many sweet moments!

  • These are all fabulous, and I have to agree – everyone is totally gorgeous. Showing different sessions together really shows off your style. Nicely done.

  • haha i need your tips on making people laugh!

  • Erin O'Brien

    What great photos, Amanda! And such beautiful sub jets. 🙂 So happy to see you’re getting back into action, blog-wise.

    And yes, Pinterest is addicting… so much that I have to cap my time on it!

  • Man, Amanda, you are amazing!! Your style is so distinct – love every single one 🙂

  • Yeesh Amanda. Leave some of the “pretty” for the rest of us, would ya?

  • Always a treat to see a new session on your blog. Great work Amanda!

  • Stunning Amanda! All 3 sessions. Just beautiful 🙂

  • These are so bright and beautiful! Nice job.

  • Super cute sessions. You’ve got a great way of working with people. They all look like they’re having fun. Awesome!

  • Great work, nice emotion.

  • You really know how to have the couple relax and forget that your taking their portrait, great work.

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