
A look back at 2011 Engagements

Every year I have made it customary to do more than one “Best of” post.  I photograph so many people and so many types of events that I don’t feel like it’s right to lump it all in together.  2010 was an amazing year and I thought it couldn’t be beat, but I was wrong.  2011 somehow got even better and the people I met and experiences I had were some that I never dreamed I would have, especially living in Iowa.  I want to thank each and every one of you who have touched my life in some way over the last year.  May 2012 exceed my expectations once again!

With that, here are the best of 2011 engagement sessions.  As usual, it was very hard to pick favorites.  I’m learning by looking at these that I tend to love the up close and tender moments between couples the most.


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  • This post just smacks you in the face with awesome emotion. I love the shot of them running towards the camera in the field.

  • There’s some great stuff in here, Amanda – nice work! The first shot is one of my favorites!

  • Clap clap Applause! What a great year 2011 was for you, may your 2012 be merry and successful too!

  • OMG Amanda- I swear to you, one day we are going to come to Iowa and you are going to photograph my husband and I. EVERY time I see your work I spend the next hour trying to make excuses to go to Iowa!!!

  • These are simply ‘wow’! Your use of backlighting is amazing!

  • There are too many to like!! So much gorgeousness!

  • Awesome! I love the emotion you’re able to bring out in your couples!

  • Man! This is such a testament to how great a photographer you are, Amanda, if you had told me these were all professional models, I’d have believed you.

  • and the best booty lift goes to … ALL of these are magical and show your great attention to detail and romance – so very well done.

  • So much PRETTINESS! You know how much I love your style, Amanda. It just makes me happy and feel all warm and cosy inside 🙂

  • Such gorgeous clients. I really love that last one.

  • Look at all of the happy people! This must be one of the happiest posts on the internet 🙂 Love love!

  • Wow, what an absolutely romantic year you had 🙂 Great pictures of lovely couples.

  • Your work is truly remarkable! Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe it! 🙂 Wishing you the best in 2012!

  • Gorgeous, gorgeous work! Oh my goodness – just fantastic! And the couple with the wands made me laugh! Too funny!

  • what a great set, I especially love the sword-fighting with sticks!

  • Such sweet images. That last frame is so stunning. What an incredible year you had. You are gonna blow up 2012.

  • awesome portfoli. omg. i love your work.

  • awesome portfolio. omg. i love your work.

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