
Iowa Children Photographer | Lilia

I realize that this side of my blog has been severely neglected recently and I’m very sorry.  I have to prioritize what gets done first and blogging children photos gets pushed back because I do so many of them!  So to hold you for now, here is one of my new favorite shots of my daughter Lilia.  She is going to be 3 in a couple weeks.  I can’t believe how time flies.  This is her new favorite hat and she wears it probably once a day, at least!

I will have a new post up catching up on ALL sessions (so be ready for a long one!) within the next week.  Keep checking back, I will announce it on my facebook page as well.


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  • oh Amanda, this one is fabulous. It needs to be printed up BIG and put somewhere everyone that walks into your home can see. Such an intense little look 🙂

  • Oh my how adorable is she! Looove the colours too.

  • You captured her innocence so well! She’s gorgeous!

  • oh my goodness – she’s gotten so big!!! this one is perfect :)the hand on the cheek… loving it!

  • always a pleasure to come across your work Amanda yet another awesome piece this is ridiculously beautiful

  • SUCH a stinking cutie!!

  • What a lovely portrait – amazing eyes

  • the yes, the skin, the colours and expression … mind .. blown …

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