
Des Moines Children Photographer | Hannah & Giveaway Reminder

I need to make this a quick post because I am going to try to get to bed at a decent time tonight! 🙂 I just wanted to give a quick reminder of my Christmas Giveaway!   It ends Jan 31st, so act fast!  Here is the link to the blog post about it:

What’s a blog post without photos though, right!? 🙂 I snapped a couple quick shots of one of my daycare girls, Hannah, today because she looked adorable in her hat!  How CUTE is she?!



Love the BW version too 🙂


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  • Seriously, how adorable is this little girl? She looks really comfortable and happy – I bet her parents are over the moon.

  • These are adorable, and I love that the background to your blog matches the clothes, haha. :o)

  • Such a cutie! Love the catchlight on the second one.

  • What a cute girl! Amazing smile! Amanda keep up the great work!

  • Her smile is amazing, she looks so happy!

  • very cute! you really captured the personality with these photographs

  • Beautiful work Amanda, she is very cute and I love that hat!!

  • That cheeky smile is adorable! Well captured.

  • What a little cutie! I’m loving that smile 🙂

  • What a beautiful little girl; great photos!

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